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Dying inside

How do I move forward when I can’t let go of the person I’ve loved for over 29 years. I’m so lost and I miss him. Everyone said he’s moved on and I can’t

Re: Dying inside

Hi I'm going through the same but it's my choice still scary and I cry a lot and feel sorry for myself. I keep busy in the day it's night I feel it I'm scared for the future coping on my own I've yet to find a flat. I have been married 39 years. People I speak to have come through worse than me and survived and lots of friends have too. It's tough but we have to get through it. Keep strong and chat on here when u need some words of help. Life is not all about waiting for the storm to pass it's learning to dance in the rain.

Re: Dying inside

Thank you Audrey it’s a hard journey I’m going through especially right now. I’ve seen this man through heart surgery, back surgery , depression and a host of other medical issues on yeah he finished his degree while going through this stuff as I was raising our youngest daughter. Once I started getting depressed and going through menopause he decided it’s time to leave the marriage bc he wasn’t in love with me anymore.

Re: Dying inside

I complete understand. We've been separated for a year and it feels like it happened yesterday. I think my soon to be ex has moved on too. I try not to think about it. I try to forgive him but it's a slow process. I'm hoping someone can tell me something new to try to move forward on this forum.

Re: Dying inside

I was in your shoes as well sometime ago. You really have to move on and make yourself happy. I will be glad to give some more advise. Email me on gregregiste@gmail.com

Re: Dying inside

Im in the same boat as you except Ive Loved mine for 38 years!! Seperated 3 years now and its gotten better, not by much, but some!! I have filed for divorce but didnt want to. My husband is being a big tight ass!! Not wanting to give me anything!!! He makes alot of money but doesnt want to part with it!! He wants to give it to his girlfriend and their 16 year old son!!! This is my worst nightmare and I fwel like I will never wake up!! Good Luck to you sugar!!!

Re: Dying inside

I feel you. Married almost 27 years, together 32 years (since we were 17). We have amazing adult daughters and had an amazing relationship until September when he announced out of the blue that he didn't want to be married anymore. I'm broken, my daughters are lost and he is suddenly a complete stranger to all of us. Textbook midlife crisis, wants freedom, wants to know what he's been missing. There is nothing that I can do to change his mind so I have filed for a divorce that I never wanted in order to protect myself and my girls emotionally and financially. This is by far the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I never in a million years thought I would be here. I'm trying to take the advice of one day at a time. I have good days and bad days and I'm totally overwhelmed most of the time. I'm recovering from my second knee replacement surgery in the past year but getting back to work is going to help to at least take my mind off things. I'm also trying a little harder to reach out and make plans to see friends and family instead of staying home crying all the time. I wish you well and I'm sorry that you're going through this.

Re: Dying inside

Janet it seems our life so much in parallel to each other. I’m sorry you are and your daughters are enduring so much pain and hurt right now. It’s very important to protect yourself emotionally and financially. My divorce was finalized in December 28th and I’m still dealing with lawyers about the sale of the house and debts. He was trying to leave me with nothing and go off into the sunset free and clear. Thank God I have a good lawyer.
I’m still heartbroken and trying to figure out what I’m going to do now. The last gift he gave me was my pet yorkie and I’m thankful for that parting gift bc he’s been the joy of my life. Especially since my girls are grown now. I try to keep busy with church and support group. I must say I miss him and I hate he chose to destroy our family. I will never forgive him for the pain he’s caused me. I don’t know how I will move forward and past this grief. I wish you well Janet and I’m praying for you.

Re: Dying inside

I was married for 21 years, he left - was planning on leaving for many years. I joined a low cost health club and go to senior yoga. Focus on yourself and taking care of yourself. I have friends who have a pet for company if that is possible. If he has "moved on" with another person, it wasn't meant to be and be glad he's gone because apparently it wasn't true love. Best wishes. It gets easier over time.