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Determining Husband's Income for Spousal Support

In the process of trying to come to a settlement agreement without court. Husband has his own company (is partner with investor). Separated in 2018; in determining his income for spousal support, what do I use? Past profits or current worth of business? (Business had a phenomenal 2016 and 2017; not so much in 2018.) My advisor says must use past income as that is the only way to determine income/worth---can't anticipate future. His advisor says that past years cannot be used and it creates "artificial" numbers. Any thoughts?

Re: Determining Husband's Income for Spousal Support

As far as I know spousal support is determined by each party's income at time of divorce. At least that's the way it is in my state. I know there's a calculator that divorce attorneys use as I met with an attorney that set the numbers up for me. Have you gone for a free consultation to a divorce attorney yet? They should be able 2 estimate your possible alimony.

Re: Determining Husband's Income for Spousal Support

As far as I know spousal support is determined by each party's income at time of divorce. At least that's the way it is in my state. I know there's a calculator that divorce attorneys use as I met with an attorney that set the numbers up for me. Have you gone for a free consultation to a divorce attorney yet? They should be able 2 estimate your possible alimony.