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Starting over after divorce

Hi ladies!

Can you help me, pretty please? 🤗🙏

I'm working on a brand new program that I'm super excited about and I'd really appreciate some feedback. This is not a sales pitch at all, lol, just need a few minutes of your time. In return for your time, I'm offering you a complementary 30-minute breakthrough session to help you with your feelings of overwhelm and tips to help you overcome negative thoughts.

Is this you?

You are between the ages 25-45 and recently divorced (within 3 months to 5 years)

You want to start over as an entrepreneur (or want to take a new direction in your existing business)

You struggle with negative thoughts, low self confidence, fear and insecurities, alot of which stem from your past relationship

You struggle to set goals and a vision for your business because you have no clue where to start and it's overwhelming

You constantly think about all the things you need to do but struggle with procrastination, distractions and time management

If 🅐🅝🅨 of this speaks to you then you're the answer to my prayers and I'd love to chat. I want to interview you to find out more about your needs so I can make this program the best it can possibly be. 💓

If you are interested, please comment "YES” or shoot me a PM. I'd be honoured to have you or have you nominate someone you know.

Thank you so much ladies! 😃

Have a blessed week,
ж๑χ๑ Daeyna