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Serving Divorce Papers to totally unexpected spouse?


I been married 29 years this April. I been trying to get out of it since our daughter was 3 and now she is 25. The first time we went to a therapist where I told him I was not in love with him anymore. On the ride home he was silent but as soon as we got home poo hot the fan. I ended up back peddling my story at midnight as I wrestled a gun out of his hand. No way would I let my daughter grow up thinking it had been my fault her father had killed himself.

At our 7 year mark he came home and admitted he was not happy in the marriage or his job and wanted out of both of them. Me being non confrontational was elated and said okay. I did not cry, break down etc. 2 weeks later he changed his mind and wanted to stay. And of course, me being non confrontational said okay. UGH.

I even had an affair hoping I could run off with someone and then leave him. Nope, got caught and the guy was a nuyjob as well.

I have not loved my husband in a ver long time. He was Bipolar for 23 years and daughter and I put up with years of emotional and verbal abuse. We sold our business last year and moved and started life again. He is now a OTR trucker and I have a part time job. I've been told by many, after not knowing myself, he was co-depedant and used manipulation to keep me. Always threatening suicide. I am done. But afraid to go further.

I did start the divorce process and am going to have him served when he thinkks he's coming home in April for home time at his terminal and hoping to get an Ex-Parte to keep him away. I know I have a long fight. I am scared and wll hide all guns somewhere else.

Has anyone done this and how did it go?


Re: Serving Divorce Papers to totally unexpected spouse?

You need a Lawyer ASAP. Let the Lawyer know what you have written here to us. I was divorced in 2009 after 21 years. In my younger years I dated two men (both briefly) who committed suicide. After my divorce I dated a man who was bipolar and for whom meds. often had to be changed/didn't work - it was Hell. Stay out of his way. Best wishes.

Re: Serving Divorce Papers to totally unexpected spouse?

Thanks Lara. I have contacted a lawyer and am in mid paperwork. He will be served in April. He's actually been home twice since I decided and I can't stand it. His meds have changed him and he is nice and loving but I don't love him anymore. Period. I'm scared of him. I am tired of never taking this all the way because I hate hurting people. I have to think about me.

Re: Serving Divorce Papers to totally unexpected spouse?

Thoughts are with you. STAY SAFE. Have someone with yiu whrn he's served. If he breaks the restraining ordet don't think twice about having him arrested. Be safe. Make sure yout daughter is always aware of her surroundings. Hugs.

Re: Serving Divorce Papers to totally unexpected spouse?

Thanks Jelela. I won't be with him when served. He will be returning home for "home time" as h is a trucker. They will serve him at the terminal. I hope the Ex Parte goes through. I did stop at the Sheriffs and ask what happens if it doesn't. They said make sure I am not home that day. I'm also taking all guns out of house. Changing the locks but if I don't get the order in place he can come in, break in or burn the house to the ground.

I honestly don't know how he is going to take this. I'm scared.