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Lost and confused

So lost and confused don’t even know where to start. Husband, well ex now I guess. Is a stone cold drunk but a high functioning drunk. He’s on house arrest, only been out of prison for a year after a 5 1/2 year vacation there for felony drug dealing. Been together for... I mean we were together for ten years. We got evicted because my disability money doesn’t pay the bills and although he’s working and making some what good money he claims to be broke after his car payment (car is in my name and his), his child support, his cell phone, and his tv payment, leaving life’s basics in my hand to take care of. (Granted my adult son and his family have been living with us until they get on their feet so no financial assistance there.) Anyway, according to my ex husband the eviction is my fault, everything is with my fault or children’s fault. His kids do no wrong and are perfect. Last week I was approved for a new apartment but right after that I find out that he had pulled my sister and my son off to the side at two different occasions and told them he was divorcing me yet he failed to tell me that. So in a nutshell, he took the car from me leaving me stranded and unable to get to doctors appointments. (Have lupus and have dealt with cancer twice) My cell phone is on his account and he informed me that I need to return the phone and the electric was put in his name sinse the plan was we were both moving to the new apartment and now he wants the electric out of his name which screws me because I owe the electric. I am now stuck in a lease where I don’t even bring in enough money to cover the rent let alone the utilities. I don’t get it, I stuck by his side for ten years, I paid for his attorney to get him out of prison early (when I had enough money then) and now out of the blue he abandons me and changes everything up knowing the situation he is leaving me in. Like he’s living on top of the world right now. How is he looking his self in the mirror, who does something like that to another human being. Yet I am expected to store all of his belongings in the new apartment. What could I have possibly done to deserve such hatred and evil?

Re: Lost and confused

You did not so anything to deserve it. But now is the time to care for yourself and your child. Be the person that believes in yourself and always choose the right and cut your losses from him. Be what you want to be around and don’t let the negativity bring you down. Also, sounds like a counselor would be helpful.

Re: Lost and confused

This isn’t u at all this is a self centered person that u just like me have taken care of and in the process lost yourself. I’m in counseling for this also trying to figure out why I hate myself witch I really thought I loved me but now I realize I love everyone but myself. Being nice and kind to others seems to not be as loving as I thought. Cause In being nice to others I forgot to be nice to me. I went to get deodorant the other day and my sister said what kind u use my answer I have no clue I always used his cause we never had money for both same with bodywash . Now I have women deodorant and oil of Olay body wash. We have to learn to love ourselves. It’s really hard sounds crazy but I’m not used to doing for me. Hang in there . So yur children won’t be like us.