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Visitation question

My daughter's father is undocumented. He left when i was 7 weeks pregnant. She is almost 10 now. She finally met him in dec 2018. He has made no attempt to see her since then, but he has said he wants to. I told him as long as he is helping financially, i have no problem with that (he has NEVER helped at all). We came to an agreement, but he has failed to uphold his end. After a month of no contact from him, i filed for child support.
I will not let him see her until i have no choice, and then i will comply with a judge's decision. However, since he has already shown he is completely unreliable (in the last 10 years, he could have very easily gotten my number or even a message to me). I have provided 100% for my child. If he were to try to get visitation, would i be able to request supervised, at least to start, as i absolutely do NOT trust him in any way? No history of abuse, just concerned that hed take off or refuse to give her back...thanks!