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almonry issue in divoice

im going through a very hard divorce right now, the big issue is the house! my mother put down the money for us to buy the house in return we would pay her back monthly like rent. my soon to be ex is claiming that she is giving it to us as gift and the monthly payment is to go to the kids education fund. which that was not the deal at all! there is no education fund It was for the house payment only. The deed is in mine & husband we intend to add my mother later but didn’t get a chance. It wasn’t a big deal at the time because she trusts us! but now that we are getting divorce ....I have been racking my brain to find a way to save my house for my children. I don’t want to lose this house through almonry. My ex has a drug & alcohol addition which is one of the big reasons why I file for divorce & a VPO. I don’t know what else I can do!