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How does anyone cope with the loneliness? I've been with my husband for 32 years, married 27. The divorce was his idea and I never saw it coming. He was literally my best friend since I was 17 years old and we did everything together. Our daughters are young adults in their early twenties so I am alone now and it's killing me. I try to keep a "one day at a time" mindset but it's so overwhelming to imagine being alone for the rest of my life. I don't want to burden my kids with my loneliness, especially since they are having a terrible time dealing with this as well. I don't have a lot of friends and the ones I do have live about an hour away and they have their own families that they are busy with. I just don't know how I can survive this.

Re: Loneliness

Find a new best friend Janet. It's as simple as that.

Re: Loneliness

I often wonder the same thing. The loneliness just brings on thoughts of the past. Sometimes I can be thinking I'm doing great and then it'll just hit me out of nowhere. I'm almost 4 years past my divorce and sometimes I feel like I'm at Square One all over again. I don't know if the loneliness ever goes away. I think it will always come and go but if you're a strong woman you can fight through it. It's becoming that strong Invincible woman that is so hard.

Re: Loneliness

Hi Janet,

Honey I feel you. You are not alone!!! I know this is tough, but remember so are you! You are braver thank you think you are. I want to encourage you to remind yourself of the brave and courageous women you were before you got married. The one full of zest for life, still curious about the world.

I want to challenge you to find her again. get involved in a new hobby like ballroom dancing, or take an art class, or join a group with activities your passion about, join a connect group in church. you need to be around community and meet new people, and possibly go out for coffee with someone you connect with, and just talk.

Read books, watch movies, listen to music that inspires you, take a trip you've always wanted to. Make plans, those things you've been putting off that you've always wanted to do, go do them, fill your calendar with things that fulfill you, go get a message, or get your hair done, take care of you. you deserve it!!!!!!!!!

Re: Loneliness

I'm divorced too for three years now and if you feel you want to move on, please text me on +14406788242. Only serious outcome please.

Re: Loneliness

Thank you so much, Tiffany, for your words of encouragement. I'm finding that there are good days and bad days on this roller coaster that I never wanted to get on but I know I'll prevail because of the love and support of my family and strangers like you. I'm enjoying a string of very good days right now visiting my daughter at college in sunny L.A. 😊