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How to get through the other woman

My soon to be ex husband wanted a divorce after his dad told him to leave me before I took everything from him like his mom did him. Mind you his dad is currently doing drugs and an alcoholic. So I am a catholic women he does not believe. Bible says I am to let him go. Two weeks after he moved out he has another women and she is playing family with him. There doing stuff he would never do with me. Like play board games with the girls go to the mall etc. this was his second affair I know of the first one I forgave and that was six years ago. I am having such a hard time coping with this other women. I’m ok with the divorce but his new found family ways and how he has done a 180 I’m struggling a lot with any suggestions?

Re: How to get through the other woman

I don't know that it gets easier. It changes but not necessarily easier. I go one day at a time. In the beginning it was one hour at a time. She was 98% of the reason why we divorced.

Now they are married and have a 3.5 year old together. We will be divorced for 5 years in November. She is 4 in October.

For me, it is harder because she is a step mom to my kids. He treats the new kid better. She makes hard rules for my kids. He doesn't stand up for them.

I wish I had more advice other than to just go one day at a time. Or one hour or even one minute if you have to. Find things to do. Go for a walk or run. Binge watch shows. Therapy helps a lot too.

Re: How to get through the other woman

Hello how are you doing Dear Amanda ? May I get to know you ? Thanks