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Ex declined visit due to 1 child having pink eye

Hi, what would you do if your ex declined a weekend visit because one of our children has pink eye? I am so frustrated with him right now. Our oldest has an eye infection. I started drops tonight. I let him know.

He said that the kids should not come over if they are sick. He asked if I disinfected the house because our 6 yr had it first. He said his 3.5 year old and the wife (divorced 4.5 years ago, he had a child quickly with the woman who is 95 percent of the reason for our divorce) are just getting over being sick and he doesn't think it is a good idea for them to come over.

So long story short, he is not taking them this weekend. I said I am not switching weekends with him. If he is giving up his weekend over pink eye, that is his choice.

And the idiot just sent me a text asking why I don't seem to care about the health of his 3.5 year old. "She is still so young and things hit her harder." :joy:

What would you do?