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Anti-depressants and addiction killed my marriage

I have been disabled for a couple of years and our marriage was struggling waiting on a settlement and disability. The day I got my settlement.....My husband left me physically a little over 4 weeks ago.......said he didn't love me anymore...
He has been back a few times to talk and pick up belongings. His story keeps changing. He cares, but not enough to stay, he loves me, but knows he's not supposed to be here....the list goes on.
He's had pain pill addiction for a few years, then started anti-depressants to hopefully end that. The first ones didn't help so the doctor switched him to another. Then added another to help quit smoking.......In this time is when his demeanor changed. He was going through the motions as always like a robot I guess. He would still leave love notes and such...but was distant from me emotionally. Then leaves.
He said he is going to take time off work to get over the addiction and the anti-depressants....but I don't know whether to give up or move on. I am still devastated and cry and pray every day.......just don't know what to do.

Re: Anti-depressants and addiction killed my marriage

What I advise you to do is to get a consultation with a Lawyer to see what a divorce would bring. Sometimes a consultation is free. Also, see about Public Housing if you think you would need it or think about getting a responsible roommate to help pay the bills .

Re: Anti-depressants and addiction killed my marriage

Hello how are you doing Dear Sharon ? May I get to know you ? Thanks