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How do you find the strength to walk away!

I want and need help getting out of this horrible marriage. I don’t know how to walk away from him. We have four kids together and I just can’t take it anymore. I need advice. HELP!!!

Re: How do you find the strength to walk away!

I am going through a similar situation. We have a beautiful daughter, but I am miserable, and have been for awhile. I'm considering seeking out legal support/advice but don't know if I should.

Re: How do you find the strength to walk away!

Loose the loser...Honey dont be like me I WASTED 28 years on a man who cheated constantly. Praying, pleading, counseling, and finally threatening him to change.Oh he did for a minute but utimately..........IT GOT UGLY I ended up in jail for 3 days from a LIE he told and Im sure he was encouraged by the sheriff's department I could go into to detail but the short is he ripped his earring out and said I did it. MEN ARE HORRIBLE NOW DAYS I COULDN'T TRUST ONE AS FAR AS I COULD THROW THEM.

Re: How do you find the strength to walk away!


I’m assuming this woman is calling this man a loser without knowing anything about him or this situation.

The original poster aught to be ashamed of herself for allowing this woman to slander the father of her four kids.

Like him or not, I think it’s important to remain as civil as possible.


I came on this website to see what other marriages are going through and to see how women are dealing with them.

What I found was a whole lot of hubby/man bashing.

I haven’t found a post where a woman is open about they did to contribute to help screw things up, lol.

But then again that wouldn’t be a very good pitch in terms of seeking support.

Judging by this reply, I’d venture to think it wouldn’t matter much at all anyways, seeing that most of posts on this site lack any accountability.

Re: How do you find the strength to walk away!

I was divorced in 2009. I advise anyone who has kids to get a Family Lawyer as they are good when kids are involved.

Re: How do you find the strength to walk away!

Hello how are you doing Dear ? May I get to know you ? Thanks

Re: How do you find the strength to walk away!

I’m in the same situation.... 2 kids, I need out

Re: How do you find the strength to walk away!

Hello how are you doing Dear Chrissy ? May I get to know you ?

I am from Singapore and Brunei. Thanks