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Still on the mortgage after divorce

My ex-husband kept our house after our divorce and was supposed to take me off of the mortgage. He was given two years to do so. He has since filed bankruptcy and because he did not remove my name before doing so my credit is now affected. The mortgage is up to date however the home equity loan we had was written off by the bank. Although my credit score is good, this is showing up as a mark on my credit report.Is there a way to remedy this?

Re: Still on the mortgage after divorce

My ex-husband kept our house after our divorce and was supposed to take me off of the mortgage. He was given two years to do so. He has since filed bankruptcy and because he did not remove my name before doing so my credit is now affected. The mortgage is up to date however the home equity loan we had was written off by the bank. Although my credit score is good, this is showing up as a mark on my credit report.Is there a way to remedy this?
See if you can get a free consultation with an attorney - maybe a bankruptcy specialist? But it may not be possible to do anything about it since your name was on the mortgage when it got written off. The lender doesn't care who was supposed to do what, they just know that two people signed to be responsible for the loan, and now neither of them are paying it.

I know of a situation where a husband filed for bankruptcy but the wife didn't (no divorce involved). They continued to pay the mortgage though, and therefore the wife never defaulted on it - so her credit rating was fine, and only he had the hit on his credit record. But for one thing, it might be too late for this to apply to you, and for another, I doubt you're willing to keep making payments on the house he's living in!

All I can say is, the effect of that bad mark on your report fades over time and will be gone in 10 years... but sorry you are having to deal with this :(