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Helping my adult son financially while his dad (my ex) spends and spends on himself

I have actually been divorced for about 10 years and am remarried. I have an issue I don’t know how to handle. My son lost his job and is going back to school for 6 months to attend a coding boot camp. My ex husband has always been incredibly selfish with money and a big part of why I left him (besides the mental and sexual abuse) was his out of control spending. He made obscene amounts of money while we were married and spent it all on himself while we barely had enough to pay bills. Fast forward to today and I find my new spouse paying for my son’s schooling and me giving him financial support while he goes back to school. My son does not want to ask his dad for help because he knows his dad will demand immediate repayment and his dad also makes him feel guilty. Needless to say, I am angry...not at my son but at my ex and the situation. Part of it is my own fault because I feel the need to protect my son from his dad (old habits die hard). It’s not fair to my new spouse (although she volunteered to pay and it was incredibly generous). I want to find a way to talk to my son about this without making him feel more guilty than he already feels over his situation. He has always been a very hard worker so it’s not like he’s been unemployed and loafing. He realizes he was in a tough line of work (sales) and is making the best of a bad situation by making a career change. But my savings is drained (and I refuse to touch my retirement) because of this. I want to tell my son he needs to ask his dad if he needs more help but I’m struggling with how to talk with him. For many this may seem ridiculous but I deal with a lot of anxiety and struggle with talking. Thank you.