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Got married too young

I am wanting to divorce my husband. I feel as though I got married too young, and it was a spur of the moment thing, but as I grow older, and now have a steady career, I am finding that our goals are completely different. He wants children, I don't at all. Which was discussed, but easily brushed off because I feel neither of us knew the significance. We married right after I had turned 20. We have only been married for 5 years, together for 6, and I am feeling so overwhelmed. I am still young, and I feel like everything was a big mistake.
I brought up the fact that I wanted to separate before, and he told me that if I left, he would take everything and leave. (he is from a different country so he would move back). He has also used my dog against me, by saying that he would keep her because it would hurt me the most.

In all honesty, I don't care at all about the material things, he could have our car, computers, etc.. but he knows taking my dog would hurt me so much that I wouldn't leave him.

I am feeling so overwhelmed in this situation, and I just want to get out of it, but I am also so scared.

Re: Got married too young

Girl I definitely feel this on a personal level. I'm in a similar situation about being worried I got married to young. Have you and your husband done the counseling thing yet? Apparently that's the next step. I did four months of counseling and didn't see much change so I'm not sure if it works but I think that's the next step.