Womans Divorce Forum

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I am in a marriage of 40 years and my husband has been unhappy with me for a very long time but stayed together because of kids which are now grown.
It's been a very long time since we have been happy. In 2005 I told him then was the time to walk away since his comment was over since kids graduated from school.
It has told me many times that he is not attracted to me, but yet we still are together in the house we own since I have no job due to losing it.
He told me that we will never be intimate again. We sleep separate he has don ed his own thing our whole marriage,if I ask questions or want to know things he does not communicate with me. I have worked since I was 15 and the last three years i worked off and on but to him that does not count. He treats me like a kid at times.
We don't talk unless we have to. Its. Getting harder everyday.
I looked to a lawyer about divorce.
But i dont know how to tell him i want sell the house and want 25% of his money he getting. My dont sleep with all this is on my mind.

I have never been on my own and not having a job or income its had to move put on my own.