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I feel like I’m back at point zero

I’ve been divorced since November 2018. Sometimes I feel like I got this. I feel like I’m moved on and happy and secure. Then it hits me. Out of nowhere. I get sad and sick to my stomach. I can’t sleep, I get headaches, I start thinking about my ex and his girlfriend and it makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t know what to do when this happens. I don’t know why I keep going back and forth with my emotions. There are triggers that definitely set my feelings off and make me kinda go crazy. Any advice on how to handle these emotions? Thank you

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

Unfortunately, its something that you have to go through. A divorce is a type of death. And in death, there are stahes that you go through. But in time, you will het through this. Allow yourself to be sad, and hurt. Find someone to talk to, someone you can trust. Like a church member, or close friend. Try to remember that this is not the end of the world. I know this is over-used, but this is kow your new normal.

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

Unfortunately, its something that you have to go through. A divorce is a type of death. And in death, there are stages that you go through. But in time, you will get through this. Allow yourself to be sad, and hurt. Find someone to talk to, someone you can trust. Like a church member, or close friend. Try to remember that this is not the end of the world. I know this is over-used, but this is now your new normal.

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

OU will return
You will be ambushed by the grief of divorce go thru it and create things to dowhenyousense it’s coming
Identify triggers
I went through it last nite and I calledmydivorcedfriend and she walked me thru the struggle and I’m not crying today
Boundaries it’s like sticking to a diet
Don’t let him hurt u anymore
Don’t let him stop bye
Limit conversation
I’m talking to myself too
Ask God for courage

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

I feel your pain, and I’m going through the same. My divorce isn’t yet final and my soon to be ex is already out there dating. It hurts and it makes me sick. I don’t want to even deal with him but we have kids so I have to. Not sure I can handle it but I will somehow with the support of my friends and family.

I wish you all the best and I hope we can keep in touch!

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

I’m so sorry he’s already dating. My ex was seeing someone right after we separated and I moved out. He moved on so fast and I have to keep seeing him because we have two kids. It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it and it worse when my babies go :(

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

This is exactly how I’m feeling! They just can’t handle being alone for two minutes...

Today was a bad day for some reason. Hoping it will get better from here. How are you doing?

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

Hey girl. I’m so sorry you had a bad day. I’m praying for you and I hope it got better.
Ugh I know they can’t even stay single for one min. It’s so hurtful and it’s been the hardest part to move forward from. For me the divorce was easier because I kinda knew it was coming for a while. But when I found out he had a gf I just lost it :( I’m really just trying to focus on healing and my kids and the positive things I have in my life. I know god has a bigger plan for us so that’s what’s keeping me going

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

I didn’t have a very good day today. My anxiety and worry got the best of me today. I hate confrontation and I had to do just that with my ex. It’s just been so hard for me to stand up to him and tell him no.

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

Hey there, I wish we could talk for real. I think we are really in the same place. I’m so up and down and I hate it. I knew my divorce was coming for a long time also, but it’s been extremely hard for me to deal with his new dating life. I think it’s ridiculous that he is dating before we are even legally divorced but here we are. So I’m raising our kids, he gets them for a few hours a few times a week and then gets to do whatever he wants. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want him to have my kids more, I just think it’s so unfair the way things are. Does that make sense?

I feel your pain! You and I are in it to win it. We can do this, just need to get through this rough patch

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

Hey girl. I’m on Facebook and Instagram if you wanna message me. Just let me know and I can give you my name. I’d love to talk to you and get to know you more and your story and share mine. It would be so nice to have a friend who’s going through the same as me.
How was your day today? Happy Mother’s day!! πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
How have you been?

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

That would be awesome if we could chat!! Mother’s Day was pretty good, got to spend the day with my kids and my mom do all around a good day! How was yours?

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

Aw that’s so good! Mine was good also. I had both my kids and we spent it with my family :) ok cool! My name is Rebecca Shields on Facebook.

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

Hey girl, trying to figure out which one is you...what does your profile pic look like?

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

It’s me with my two kids. I have dark short hair and we’re in front of a tree

Re: I feel like I’m back at point zero

Ok I think I found you and friended you...😎