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My husband took my engagement ring

My husband and I haven't been getting a long a long time time. A few months ago we were coming home from dinner and we were getting out of the car to go I side the house and a girl pulled up in front of that house saying they have been together for a long time. Of course I was devastated and I stood with him because I have no where to go. Well I told him I was leaving him and moving to Florida with my family. We got into a big fight and he took my engagement ring when I wasn't looking. Now he will not give it back to me. By law the ring doesn't belong to him and he said he doesn't care. So ofcourse I'm upset about that because I dont want to get the cops involved but he also has a credit card under my name that hes paid because he purchased things on it years ago so the bill belongs to him. I cant afford the bill a month and told him when I leave he is still responsible for it and he said he would pay but how am I to know that he will continue to pay it years from now and he gets to keep my ring. I dont know how to handle this situation. Help What should I do??