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Ex-Husband's Girlfriend

My ex-husband's girlfriend texts our daughter when daughter transitions to MY household from his house with messages such as, "have fun with your mom and sister, see you when you return to your dad's", "hope you have fun with your mom and sister the next couple of days"....the "sister" in the messages does NOT have a relationship with the ex-husband (dad) mainly because of the girlfriend! Ug, I know I shouldn't let it bother me, but I don't understand why she needs to wish my other daughter well with me and her sister, when she transitions to the home that daughter shares with me and sister. Why does she do this? She absolutely knows it bothers me. Why does she keep doing this? My ex and I have a very contentious divorce - the girlfriend adds more to the pot rather than step aside...why does she do this???? ARGH!

Re: Ex-Husband's Girlfriend

If she knows that texting your daughter offends you and she does it anyway, then obviously it is intentionally done to hurt you. It is her way of rubbing the divorce in your face :/