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Husband is sociopath

I filed for divorce in October and have court date May 13th. I found out the other day my soon to be ex husband has a girlfriend. She wants to wait to make it official on May 13th to which he said he would shout it from the rooftops. Told her she made him feel alive again. And said he was open to kids after 11 years of saying he didn't want kids.
I don't want kids, never have but what bothers me is who the hell was I married too? I feel like I was married to a stranger. It makes me sick to go from loving someone so much to literally never wanting to see them again.
I have been cheated on, lied to, tried therapy, stuck by him through his bipolar diagnosis and the death of his father, then came the disappearance and drugs. Now he moves on? I feel like a waste of time.

Re: Husband is sociopath

Hi, Hudson! This may sound cliche...you will get over this, and more than likely, forgive this guy one day. But it will take time. If your husband is truly a sociopath, be happy he is gone; he did you a favor. Hallelujah! Now, focus on yourself, and know you did not deserve any of it. Find your joy, and keep it...do not allow anyone to take it. This is your life!! Have faith!