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relocating after divorce

anyone in the same/similar or know someone...that is divorce & had custody of children & had to move to a different town?? what should I expect from ex and do I need to deal with lawyer anymore? I'm moving because of financial situation & i have no support system near me when i need help. it's very lonely and somewhat scary! I plan to move with my children to be close to my family & have the support that I need to start over so i can take care of myself better and my children! situation is I'm currently in the process of divorce, it will be done finalize soon. NO ONE know that I'm planning to move yet...waiting for divorce to be done. ex has supervise visitation once a week with kids & I'm trying to get VPO to extend for me & kids. even though where we are moving is 1hr 30min away..I think it can be manage& its not out of state. when I let my ex know in advance as it should be I shouldn't have any legal issue...correct? if you can give me some advice or anything to help...comments, ideas or what issue/problem I might run into to prevent this move...thank you so much for your comments