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Recently married found out he is cheating

My husband and i recently got married. I caught him talking to another girl online who lives in a different country. I have read/heard many of their conversations. And some where inappropriate. He tries to hide and lowers his voice while talking to her in another room not realizing I can hear every word. And when he knows he got caught he always questions me and always gets angry towards me. I am not for sure what his deal is. I really don’t want to get a divorce, but I’m thinking it might be time. He has a lot going on in his life and I am thinking this girl he is talking to is just telling him what he wants to hear. I have been loyal to him and always doing the right thing. I don’t know why he is treating me like this. I need advice, help!

Re: Recently married found out he is cheating

Do you have proof they had physical contact?

Re: Recently married found out he is cheating

I don not have proof of physical, and I do not Believe there is any of that going on. I have proof of them talking about and fourth on the computer.

Re: Recently married found out he is cheating

That’s not considered cheating.

Re: Recently married found out he is cheating

I think any betrayal (whether physical or emotional) is considered cheating. Your husband looking for pleasure outside of your marriage, to me, is awful and it’s even worse because he is angry at his WIFE when she catches him! That’s so messed up. He should be begging you for forgiveness! I think you need to decide what kind of life and marriage you want. I would feel hurt and would need to leave because that’s emotionally abusive if you’re not both on the same page.

Re: Recently married found out he is cheating

I agree with last post. This is unacceptable and him getting angry at you is abusive. You deserve better if you allow this your telling him it’s okay and believe it won’t be the last time. It will only be a matter of time before it becomes physical because if he doesn’t respect your marriage now he’s capable
Of anything. Sending you light and love, stay strong

Re: Recently married found out he is cheating

I agree 100%. Just found out my husband was cheating with his flight instructor. I’ve been financially supporting us for over a year so he can accomplish his goal. Now that he has been caught he is trying to turn it around on me. So painful !

Re: Recently married found out he is cheating

I'm sorry for you

Re: Recently married found out he is cheating

Confused: Seems strange he got married. I would speak with a divorce lawyer ASAP. It is easier to get out of a brief marriage than a long one, and, don't sleep with him anymore.