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Considering Divorce

My husband was an alcoholic... He went to rehab, drank, went back to rehab and drank again. He's been sober for a while. He relapsed because he got kicked out for not having a job but I was working and paid the bills. -- we were living with my mom at the time. His mom has a restraining order on him due to his alcoholic behavior-- anyway, she kicked him out so he was homeless. I let him sleep in my car but he fell back into his depression and drank. Two days passed, he missed training for a new job as a baker. He got more depressed and drank some more. It was different this time though, he came to my window crying, saying how disappointed he was in himself and asked for my help. So I went with him and our baby (8month old) to a hotel and we stood there two nights. He self detoxed and made up with his mom. She let him live there since the only reason he drank was because he was homeless . Fast forward to yesterday. My mom wanted to see our baby so I dropped her off and I went to school. I thought he would stay home and play his game but he went out, popped some pills and drank. He came home 3am, making a lot of noise, insulting me, demanding food and wanted to blast the music. His mom's room is right underneath ours. We had agreed this was the last chance I was giving him . throughout my pregnancy it was nothing but him drinking all the time, stressing me out, while I was the one who had to work to pay our bills all while attending college. He went to rehab, TWICE and I supported him. He was away 4months. He was there when our daughter was born but as soon as we left the hospital he drank. Our daughter has severe eczema so she requires alot of attention. It's been really stressful for me. I don't want to live like this. Constantly having to worry if he'll relapse . This time he didn't have an excuse, he did it just to do it. And I don't know how else I can help. I know I can raise my daughter by myself but it would of been nice to stay a family. I've put up with too much, I don't think this is working out. There's no talking to him when he's like this. And he'll wake up tomorrow and say sorry and act like everything is okay. And I'm supposed to forget about all the insults like nothing happened... I don't want my daughter to grow up thinking it's okay to be treated this way. I don't want her thinking this is love. But when he's sober, he's a wonderful dad. He already has a son he doesn't see, I don't want him to not be able to see our baby but he can't be drunk around our baby... I'm just really stressed. Does anyone understand? 😔

Re: Considering Divorce

Honey, your strong and beautiful. Working being a mom and going to school is not easy. You can not help a man that doesn’t want to help himself. Do yourself and your son a favor and get away from him while your son is still little and your still going strong before he ducks you dry. Give yourself and son the opportunity to be happy and maybe even meet a great step father for your son. I know the thought of having your family together is beautiful but when your a mom you child comes first and your a woman you deserve to happy and loved. You got this. Please walk
Away with your head high before a drastic situation happens that forces you to walk way. Sending you love and light. You got this .

Re: Considering Divorce

I know it’s hard to live with someone like that but you never know what he’s capable of and you need to protect you and your son I grew up with an alcoholic father and the pain my mom and my bro went through was hell im sure you love him and want tour little family to stay together so maybe a legal separation would help before going through with a divorce you can’t help him if he doesn’t want the help he needs to want the help he needs to hit rick bottom and I know that’s hard for you to hear but sometimes that’s what needs to be done I really wish you the best you and your son need to be safe

Re: Considering Divorce

I’m in a similar situation. We have an 11 month old baby. My husband’s an alcoholic. He’s in his second rehab. And I want to run away. He’s been able to keep his job, for now. But I can predict there will be a DWI or legal trouble in the near future. He’s promised to stop drinking but hasn’t. It’s only a matter of time before we have ANOTHER episode. Get out now. I know I want too. It feels selfish but how can we be the Mother we want to be in a situation like ours? Why should our daughters be subjected to that? I can’t deal with the instability for one more day. But I say that everyday. Staying together seems easiest but I know I am suffering terribly. I hope you find the strength and peace within yourself to do what you think is right. I am sorry to hear you’re going through this too.