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Domestic Abuse but Attorney Plays Dead


I am trying to get out of a Domestic Violence situation. I have had several attorneys because each one "plays dead" but I don't know it until it's too late and they are on record and/or before judge.

Our Final Pre-Trial is only a couple weeks away and my attorney's are not reaching out to the therapists/dcotors etc. regarding the safety of my children.

My ex is grooming my children and I am terrified, terrified for their well-being on many, many levels.

Changing attorney's is not an option this late in the game. My ex has all the money and my attorney's never even got Discovery from the other side like Requesting Production of Documents and Interrogatories. I have even had to pay his attorney fees at times when I was left in court without a lawyer.

My ex is someone who likes to "watch" and I am worried sick for my children. How do I protect my children?

Btw-He is an ex-police officer in my town...

Any help is appreciated...

Re: Domestic Abuse but Attorney Plays Dead

Maybe seek out your local crises center if you aren't already receiving help through them. I know switching attorney's is a pipe dream at this point, but they typically also offer court advocates to help you to navigate through this process. I'm praying for you.