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Need advice so bad

My husband said he wants a divorce but I dont. His only reason for wanting a divorce is he says I dont back him up with the kids enough. He gives no other reason. He refuses counseling. What do I do?

Re: Need advice so bad

Hey :( I’m so sorry about your husband. My ex wanted a divorce because he felt numb....have you suggested counseling or talking with family or friends? That just doesn’t seem like a legit reason :(

Re: Need advice so bad

I think if He doesn’t want help you can do counseling for you, you can change, but if He doesn’t want help you can’t do nothing for him, my husband told he want a divorce that he wasn’t happy and stop calling I know he was cheating but, He didn’t admitted but I know that I deserve better even if hurts we don’t deserve with someone that don’t want to be with us because they want to clean themselves and said that it was our fault but marriage is both not only one and good luck Love yourself.

Re: Need advice so bad

I'm guessing that there's more to his story than not backing him up with the discipline. My husband of 27 years blindsided me 8 months ago when he announced that he didn't want to be married anymore. We were best friends and my kids and I never saw it coming. I spent months begging him to change his mind. We went to counseling briefly but stopped because he made it clear that he had no intention of staying or working on his issues. I am still in shock, lonely, and depressed but our divorce will be final in July. I have learned that, emotionally, you can't force someone to stay if they don't want to, and legally, if one spouse wants out of the marriage there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. I'm sorry that you are going through this. Seek out counseling for yourself and your children and find strength and support in your family, friends and coworkers. Most days I'm hanging on by a thread but I know I have to be strong for my kids and that's what keeps me going.

Re: Need advice so bad

I am getting divorced husband has 2 year order protection on me with all lies. He also has cars protected and my pets. He drinks and does drugs every day. Will I get any marital property in my divorce. He put order on me because he got a gun charge and told all lies to judge

Re: Need advice so bad

Hi Missy -

I am so sorry to hear about this heartbreak. Sounds like there are probably other reasons still unknown to you at this time. My advice is to focus on taking care of YOU right now so that you can be the best for your children. Unfortunately, we can not always change the behavior or decisions of others but we can change and improve ourselves! I happen to be training to be a nurse coach, currently. If you would like some free life coaching let me know! I need some practice clients. We would work together for four sessions, 5 hours total (first session is 2 hours). Let me know if you are interested, would love to help you! brandygleason@gmail.com
