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19 years and the other woman

Feel as though I cant make it through this. 19 years of what me and everyone around us thought was a happy marriage. I came home and cooked every night. fixed his breakfast and lunch bag daily. He has been having affair with receptionist since January. She started sending him text and leaving notes on his desk.He finally completely left me for her. Hes willing to settle out of court and pretty much give me what I want. We went on cruise and he even bought her a gift while on cruise My dog died while on cruise on way home he told me about affair after I kept questioning him. He helped me raise my 2 boys and was good to them. We did everything together. Grocery shopping everything. I'm so alone now. I have good job but life means nothing now. How can someone do this to another person. I could never hurt someone like this.

Re: 19 years and the other woman

Oh my,how I can relate..Married 17 years,also fairly decent marriage,have 2 children together and a business. He cheated on me and left me for a 32 year old girl that had done my nails for 10 years. I am very lost and lonely as well. I went from like you said having a family to cook,clean,grocery shop for and someone I watched our favorite line up of television programs every evening,someone to go to bed with,wake up with on an everyday routine basis basically...To being totally alone ,everyday all day,I’m going crazy ! I feel for you girl 🙁

Re: 19 years and the other woman

It’s tough but try to focus on positive as divorces could be much worse as some are multiple cheaters for years before being discovered and never admit to it. Also if he’swilling To support you and give you generous settlement without fighting it out in court you have even more to be grateful for. Divorce has positives you’ll learn a lot about yourself and others so search for the life lessons and you’ll have more time for your hobbies and interests and meet new people, meetup is amazing app. Good luck and I’ll pray for your happiness

Re: 19 years and the other woman

Oh my,how I can relate..Married 17 years,also fairly decent marriage,have 2 children together and a business. He cheated on me and left me for a 32 year old girl that had done my nails for 10 years. I am very lost and lonely as well. I went from like you said having a family to cook,clean,grocery shop for and someone I watched our favorite line up of television programs every evening,someone to go to bed with,wake up with on an everyday routine basis basically...To being totally alone ,everyday all day,I’m going crazy ! I feel for you girl 🙁
Except ima liar myself.. hi... this is your 2year long boyfriend.. the guy you never want to have a normal life with because your busy being a cheater.. get off here and actually commit to someone. Cute Snapchat I found along the way.. still talking it up with your ex I see... wow. Btw your husband never cheated Kelly.... you did and now cheating on me to... AGAIN... your sick in the head so stop getting on here for pitty now that everyone in town knows you’ve just been lying to everyone to cover your dirty tracks. Wow