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Don't know where to start

I've been seperated from my husband for almost a year. We have been married for 22 years, together for 24 or 25. High school sweethearts. I got pregnant at 16, and married at 19. It's been a crazy 24 years! But, I've lived this man through it all. I honestly should have left him at 17. But, it didn't turn out that way. He was verbally, and physically abusive during the first 8 years. So one day I up and left him, took our 3 children, and got a place. Our son was only 4, and twins were 1. I'd just had enough! He had hit me on my head just because he couldn't control his anger, and I'd had enough. Honestly, I didn't want to go, I lived him still. But i left for a year, having contact with him all along, and still sleeping together. We were young and stupid. Fast forward, I go back. And he never hit again, but still verbally abusive through whole marriage. And he never let me live it down that I'd left him. Then my dad kills himself. Its a huge blow, and i start abusing pain meds to get through the greif. I did this for 5 years, and he pushes really hard for me to get clean. So i go through terrible withdrawals, and he leaves me at my worst, sickest time!! Unbeleivable!! But, we end up together again, 5 months later. And things do get better. Much better. So for the past 15 years haven't been terrible, and we've grown up alot. But, remember, he is verbally abusive, and manipulative. Always has been. Recently i notice he's always on his phone. I confront him, he denies anything's going on. Come to find out, he's talking to different women. He leaves me by literally sneaking out one day with pillow and blanket. He's at his mom's still, but talks to someone. Once again, leaving me with all the crap. I'm still heartbroken, and list. I need someone to talk to, and advice :relie

Re: Don't know where to start

I am so sorry to hear about all the things that you have gone through. I am empathize your emotions but please know that there's strength within you. Based on all these years, you have developed incredible survivorship and you will get through this as well. Have faith and god bless.