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Are there any good men out there?

Honestly, as my 10 year relationship is coming to an end, knowing what I know about him, and then reading about all the hearbreak here... I have to wonder if there really are any kind, loving, faithful men in the world. It seems like they are all pretty similar... Lying, unfaithful, verbally abusive... I have little hope of ever trusting again.

Re: Are there any good men out there?

I think there are a reasonable number of good men. I do think many women seem to be attracted to the same small group of men who are handsome, comfortable with women, successful, and because they are in such demand, there is a tendency towards multiple relationships. I think you want to go beyond the surface and look to someone who is nice but perhaps not as well-dressed or comfortable with women as others.

Re: Are there any good men out there?

I am a good man

Re: Are there any good men out there?

Tierra: My mom married a widower after her second husband died and my ex is with a widow - both good people, so if you can find someone who was once a good spouse to someone else......People who have been wronged by their former spouses often make good couples, too. If not, spend time with supportive friends and/or get a pet if you can.

Re: Are there any good men out there?

+14134223967. Feel free to text or call me.

Re: Are there any good men out there?

Good men...what does that really mean? I think there are many good men and women. You just need to find someone who will accept you the way you are and you do the same. No one is perfect so if you are looking for perfect you'll be single all of your life.

Looks are nice to have but inner beauty is the best. It took me 29 years to figure this out after a failed 18 year marriage and be single another 11 years.

Go on a dating site, don't show your picture. Talk to some men who don't have a picture. Get to know them by talking. If you feel a connection then ask for their pic. Agree there has to be some sort of attraction but inner is the best.

When is the last time a man opened your car door. Gave you his jacket because you are cold, rubbed your feet after a long day at work or cooked you dinner or actually listed to you when you talked?

Take your time, there is someone for everyone.

Not all men or women are unfaithful. Have faith, go to a christian church on a Sunday. Guarantee you'll walk out feeling positive. :slightly_smiling_face: