Womans Divorce Forum

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I’m 24 years old and have been married only 2 years. My guy and I were high school sweethearts. We have a child together she’s 3. As much as I want to make it work I’m tired of trying. He gets mad at me for everything. Has no respect for me. And I’m not able to express my feelings to him without it turning into an argument. He’s says he loves me and is in love with me but is actions show the complete opposite. I just don’t know what to do anymore. Honestly I think I’m falling out of love with him. Like at this very moment thinking about him makes me sick to my stomach.

Re: Divorce?

You’re too young. Get out now before it’s too late.

Re: Divorce?

It would be easy to just leave and get out while you still can. But you are married and have made vows to one another. I suggest go to marriage counseling first. Do this before just "giving up" it sounds like you both just need to establish better communication.

Re: Divorce?

Nicole: I would recommend going to a Family Lawyer who handles divorce for a consultation to see what is at stake before you decide to file. Sometimes the consultation is free. It is easier to get out of a short marriage than to stay and to be in a long one, both for your sanity and financially/career wise. Does he have mental health issues? Stressed? Drugs/drinking? I hope you are working or have the ability to go back to work should you decide on a divorce. See about getting job training/education through the local unemployment dept. if you haven't worked/aren't working. Make sure you get your child support if you leave the marriage. Best wishes.

Re: Divorce?

I would definitely look into counseling. You will at least feel like you gave it your best. This anger stems from somewhere. I stayed after he cheated and tried counseling and still after the divorce I wondered if I did enough. Divorce is more than a struggle, it is like coping with a death of a loved one. For the sake of your child and your own sanity, try everything you can to find the love you had for each other at the beginning.

Re: Divorce?

Hi Nicole -

I am so sorry to hear you are going through this and that you are so unhappy! I have been in this place and it can certainly be very dark. Would you be interested in some free life coaching while you try to figure this out? I am training to be a nurse life coach and need some practice clients. If you are interested, we would work together for four sessions, five hours total (first session would be two hours). I can help you sort through some of your thoughts and hopefully help guide you toward a realignment with your values. While there isn't ever a 'right' answer when it comes to divorce, maybe I can help you gain some clarity? Let me know if interested! brandygleason@gmail.com

Re: Divorce?

Please,please, please get your house in order.
He will use your daughter as a weapon. If you are not working, start asking family and loved ones for support.
Him getting mad is just the beginning, he will explode w the idea of divorce.
Document everything.
Reach out if you need supper or someone to talk to. aniela7@yahoo.com

Re: Divorce?

I was in a similar situation. I tried individual counseling for myself, and then couples counseling. Eventually things turned into abuse and I had to leave immediately. At least I know I tried...he refused to go to couples counseling after a certain point.