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Life Coaching: Free While I need Practice!

Hi all -

Having been through a divorce myself, I know how important support and guidance can be during this time. I am training to be a nurse life coach, and as a part of my training I need to have 6 practice clients. Do you need some extra support and don't have the funds to pay for life coaching? I can help! We would spend 5 hours together over the next few weeks. My goal would be to help support you and get you to the place you want to be. Please let me know if you are interested!

Thank you,


Re: Life Coaching: Free While I need Practice!


I live in Winston Salem, NC need professional support as my husband just announced that he wants to divorce, I want to save the marriage. I am a mother of a 4 year old. Wondering if you have open space and if your coaching is physical meetup or virtual as well. I would be possibly interested in your offer.

Re: Life Coaching: Free While I need Practice!

Yes, I'm interested. I'm 76 and just initiated a divorce.

Re: Life Coaching: Free While I need Practice!

I am in the middle of a divorce. My husband is a narcissist, a compulsive liar and manipulator but no one on the outside sees it except my family and his. He pulls the wool over everyone’s eyes. He doesn’t want the divorce and is dragging it out. He badgers me and my oldest son for hours. He is a huge bully within the family and I can’t let it continue. We were supposed to start mediation today but it got postponed. I don’t feel like I can take any more. I am 1500 miles away from my family and any support because he has always kept us isolated. I would love to have a life coach, if possible.

Re: Life Coaching: Free While I need Practice!

I would love a few hours or minutes to talk. I came home from a work trip and my wife had moved out and taken our pets and is now filing for divorce.i didn’t see it coming and I am at a total loss. I live in a new area where her family and friends are but I have no one to turn to locally.

Re: Life Coaching: Free While I need Practice!

I live in England but I am Irish and yes I would like to try