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How to deal with ex-husband's new fiancee and co-parenting

I've been officially divorced for 10 months, both my ex-husband and I have new partners and we share custody of our 2 children. His new girlfriend proposed to him right after our divorce was finalized. She is an old friend/acquaintance I knew from high school. At first I tried to be friendly with her, but she wanted to control everything. She would always make suggestions about changing my kids schools, what I should be working on with my kids, and so on. My ex and I are not on good terms and he prefers not to do any of the communication but would rather leave it up to her. I recently stopped talking to her because she would pry for information and ask me about things that didn't involve our children, as well as to continue making suggestions/giving me advice I didn't ask for. I blocked her on social media and I blocked her cell for my own wellbeing. I've told her not to contact me anymore, but she called and then texted me the other day about dropping some of my kids things off at my house (I had asked my ex if he could drop off the kids school stuff since I will need it for the beginning of the new school year). I blocked this new number she contacted me from. Is it ok for me to not talk to her? She caused me so much stress and frustration. She seems to want to be in control of everything. My ex says I have to stop taking everything so personally, and that she is only trying to help me and our kids. I honestly wish I didn't have to talk to either of them. He also told me that he wants me to do all of the driving for the summer because it worked out well last summer. Shouldn't he be sharing in the responsibilities? He doesnt even attend our childrens IEP meetings or school events. Theres a list a mile long of things he wont do. I feel so frustrated and I dont know what to do.

Re: How to deal with ex-husband's new fiancee and co-parenting

Well you do need to co-parent but there must be an easier way. I know a divorced couple that communicate via a book that their child passes between them. The kid doesn't mind, and the kid said she never looks into the book. You could even get one with a lock on it. Just a thought. Or, you could keep things like a business deal and only communicate with your ex-hubby via text or things that are written down in case you need it for evidence. That girl sounds intrusive, not helpful for the kids. She is trying to make it clear she THE MOM now.