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It’s been 3 years now since I begged for divorce because he was awful to e, verbally abused, no kisses, hugs, sex for 20 years of the 25. Went to get help 3 times with him and all counselors said he was the one with the problem.

There were no discussions because he always walked away. He entertained for his job so he would say he was tired and in the whole 25 years we went to two movies,4 dinners and that’s it.

He didn’t like when I wore black, or a swimsuit and after we married and we were supposed to leave on the honeymoon he picked. We didn’t leave for week because he wasn’t sure about anything and didn’t want to miss his nieces soccer games.

I’m not sure we ever finished a conversation due to him thinking he knew better and I was beneath him. He allowed his family to treat me the same way. I can digress all day long. After he and I split (we have a dog between us) we saw each other and it turned amicable. We would leave things back and forth to be nice. Fruit from the market , something he made. And then it ended over night. No more talking,texting or phone calls, everything. When it is absolutely necessary that I see my dog, twice a week, he now has insisted I go to the neighbors to have him open the gate to get the dog.i am no longer aloud to go in the house or to converse with him. I have to take my dog to my next door neighbors to play with her.

I wish I knew what changed over night but he is a completely different, even bouligerant. I could go on and on about this and I guess since we did a gentleman’s agreement instead of a lawyer way, then I guess there’s a free for all with no rules. Which we agreed would never happen. Now everything is his way. If I don’t get my dog the way he wants with the neighbor getting the dog while i wait.

I did ask for the divorce however he said it’s about time. He didn’t have any interest in me from the start. I just kept to myself waiting for a chance for him to accept me. Now I’m confused to what stage I am in. When your divorced you done and I guess I am naive to think we could be friends.

I’m lonely and I am independently driven however, I thought by now I would have someone else to at least we could talk. If anyone has advice I’d appreciate it. I don’t know what to think. I’m lost somewhere in the stages.me;welcome to comment.