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Where do I even begin. I guess I really don’t care if anyone sees this because all I want is to vent it out since I really have no one to do that to , I mean I guess I do but in reality who wants to share that their marriage is failing. I often think it was a mistake marrying my spouse, that maybe I rushed into it and it’s my fault . I moved away and left behind my old comfortable life for a life of anxiety, verbal and emotional abuse (something I believe my husband doesn’t believe exists). We fight all the time and we are only newlyweds. And we have physical altercations were we both hit each other and say things to hurt each other . I caught him cheating, not sexually but having a tinder and messaging other women. I should have left but I didn’t . I’m scared & not of him but of actually being wrong and facing that wrong in front of others . I should have never married him and that’s my fault.

Re: Marriage

Sticks and stones may break your bones but words cause permanent damage. Name calling and getting physical with each other is not something you do to someone you love.

I find spouses usually treat their friends better than their spouse...it's actually sad.

If you think it's worth staying together then go to counseling.

Neither of you should be going on tinder.

A person named Dr. Joy Browne always said...If you had a million dollars would you stay or go? If they said they would leave then she always said why wait?

She also said make a list of all of the good points and bad. If the bad out weighs the good then leave.

I wish you all the best.

Re: Marriage

"I find spouses usually treat their friends better than their spouse...it's actually sad."

This is so, so very true. My husband treats his friends and co-workers so good and treats me like ****. It's so profoundly sad.

Re: Marriage

Ya, my ex husband has always been nice to people at his work, his friends, his family, and now his new girlfriend who thinks I am horrible. None of them know he is abusive in every way. It's very hard to see someone who treats you bad be so nice to everyone.

Re: Marriage

Where do I even begin. I guess I really don’t care if anyone sees this because all I want is to vent it out since I really have no one to do that to , I mean I guess I do but in reality who wants to share that their marriage is failing. I often think it was a mistake marrying my spouse, that maybe I rushed into it and it’s my fault . I moved away and left behind my old comfortable life for a life of anxiety, verbal and emotional abuse (something I believe my husband doesn’t believe exists). We fight all the time and we are only newlyweds. And we have physical altercations were we both hit each other and say things to hurt each other . I caught him cheating, not sexually but having a tinder and messaging other women. I should have left but I didn’t . I’m scared & not of him but of actually being wrong and facing that wrong in front of others . I should have never married him and that’s my fault.
Begin where you are my friend... At least you are ready to begin and see things for the way they are.