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Summer visitation

Summer just started. My child’s father only sees him one weekend a month, SOME months. He has not seen his son since the beginning of April. He picked him up on Sunday, Father’s Day, and they flew to Texas, where father lives, for his 5 weeks of summer visitation. They arrived in Texas around 1am. Then I found out my ex had our son in daycare that same morning by 7am. Daycare was something we had previously spoke about and he assured me it would only be used as a backup in the case he and his new wife were unable to coordinate their schedules. He also told me, and the lawyers, he had the first week of our son going down there off work to help him adjust and take him to this center to see it and meet the people. Now that he has my son, I’m being told a completely different story. He plans on putting my son in the daycare everyday, 5 days a week, for 10+ hours a day. So my sons summer vacation, is non existent. The fun filled summer his father told him he would have with all these fun trips and time being spent together is completely nonexistent. I spoke to my son last night after he spent his entire first day in Texas with strangers and he was completely defeated. He wanted to come home. He said he told his dad he does not want to go back but his dad said he has to go back tomorrow. I am so angry. If I file a motion, is this something the court will take into consideration considering this is completely unfair to my son. He’s basically back in school, he is spending zero time with his father and it’s completely ridiculous when he could be back home with me actually having the summer vacation he was promised.

Re: Summer visitation

Kyra: I would get a Family Lawyer or talk to the Lawyer who handled your divorce and tell them what you have posted here. The new wife should have taken at least a week or two off if she had it available from her workplace and taken him to some fun places of his choosing.