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I've been divorced for 9 years from a serial cheater and abuser. One of the major blows that came at the end of our marriage, but after he convinced me to have a baby with him, was that he had been cheating on me the whole time we were dating and married with an old girlfriend I knew nothing about. The WHOLE time. 8 YEARS. At one point we tried to work it out bc I just had our baby, but I insisted on moving 2 hours away. I thought we were rid of her, but no! She secretly moved 5 minutes away in the same town and affair continued.This skank was on her 2nd baby daddy/husband at the time, in the process of leaving him for baby daddy #3 but still screwing my husband and going on dates with him which my salary paid for. In fact, my husband would dump our infant off with his mom, screw her all day, pick up the baby, then be back home just before I came home from work--pretending he'd been home with baby all day. When I discovered all this after my husband left his laptop open to emails btwn them, I emailed her nicely and asked her, mother to mother, to consider the havock this would reak on my child's life in addition to my marriage. She was unphased. My child and I suffered and she was part of that and enjoyed the pain she helped cause.

Fast forward 9 years. I'm remarried and jumped at the chance to move on, heal, and move away from her. I did. A year ago I bought a new home in a new neighborhood, several miles away but same town. I've worked so hard to stay positive, shake off bitterness, and pay no mind to the fact that despite her marrying baby daddy #3 and my ex remarrying to another of his mistresses, they still cheat with each other and she's around my now 9 yr old all the time. I was doing great till my daughter announced over dinner this skank, who knows where I live thanks to my ex, has yet again moved closer to me. This time WAY closer. Not only into my neighborhood, but just down the street. 2 minute walk. All the anger and bitterness is back and even though it's been 9 years I'm ****** and want to tell her husband and show him the emails which I kept for the divorce and still have. Why won't she go away and let me be happy?! What kind of crazy lady would move that close TWICE?! I'm bitter and hateful all over again and I bet she and my ex love that. I can't afford to move again. What do I do? Tell her husband to screw up her life like she did mine or pretend to my ex I dont know she's so close?