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Husband want a divorce

Been married for 17 years and I have 3 kids. My husband out of the blue wants a divorce because he feels the need to be single and free. I just shock, lost, depressed all the above. I don’t work i moved away from my family so he could advance his career, so I quite my job and put my career on hold. Why is he doing this

Re: Husband want a divorce

I’m so sorry, I was blindsided too by my husband of 36 years. He told me he has a girlfriend, is getting a divorce & stole a large amount of money from me. His infidelity wasn’t the first time, but was certain it was the last! I did get a laugh though that his “girlfriend” didn’t know he was married! Don’t know how that turned out. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions. Get some money in an account in your name only right away. You’re going to need for an attorney. And wait to be served. A Marshall showing up on my doorstep one evening is another story:)
I hope you have friends or someone to talk to. I did a lot of research on line which was helpful. Talking with some friends or writing down in a journal was good also.
Take care of yourself & your children

Re: Husband want a divorce

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Re: Husband want a divorce

Amie: If you don't have money for a Lawyer, see if family or a close friend can help. Close all joint credit card accounts so he won't run up charges. Get your own bank account for the child support, and, if he doesn't pay, have it taken from his pay electronically. Get whatever help you need, whether it is from a food pantry, housing, etc. My ex left after 21 years. Sorry this happened to you, take care.