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Relocation of a minor

So as of now I have full custody non custodial has visitation as partoes may agree. He is taking me to court for joint custody which I will not agree to. He shows up when ever is good for him and the minute I tell him no he threats me with court that's why we are going now. He is not on child support . He comes sometimes like one hour to 45 to 15 minutes and goes about his business he doesnt go to the childs daycare hes has been verbally and emotionally and physically abusive towards me n my oldest who is almost 18 years old now. I have pictures from the times hes put his hand on me n my oldest I also have his criminal record. I also have the 2018 pictures and police report when he destroyed my property never paid like he said he would. I am going to be without housing by August 2019 I have a voucher once I'm in a shelter I know my ex will try and take my son from me hes said it before a few times. I would have a time frame on how long I will have before I lose my voucher . I have extended family in another state. I know that that state is absorbing vouchers my family out there is established with great jobs and a place for me to live w my 2 kids until I am approved with that states regulations on porting . What do I need to prove that ots in the best intrest of my 14 month old to move for better living and housing and support from my family. I've been the primary caregiver since my son been born. I made sure he had his drs his daycare and anything he needs .I also pay for his daycare as well I also provided housing and food for my little boy. Non custodial doesnt give me money and here n there will buy pampers baby wipes n clothes n sometimes food . I've also keep a calendar and texts messages when he asks to come n see the child.i can not afford a lawyer and I highly doubt he can either cause right now we both have legal aide. What are the chances I would lose my section 8 if the judge denies my relocation request? How long do I need to let my ex know when I need to move. He also has not offered to help either . He would rather see me n my oldest in the street so he can try and keep my youngest .

Re: Relocation of a minor

Sammy: Tell your legal aid person about this and show them the pictures. When your oldest turns 18, it would be best if he/she distances themselves from him until if and when he becomes more responsible. It makes me wonder why you are not getting child support. Is he not working or working "under the table?". It is really doubtful that he would be getting custody of your youngest due to his criminal record and it may be the only reason he's interested is because he's trying to avoid paying child support in the future. Make sure the Judge and legal aid know you are the victim of domestic violence. He should just be visiting the child at a visitation center if there is one in your area so he can be supervised.