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Moving on : letting go of the anger

I got divorced about two years ago now. My ex husband was verbally/emotionally abusive and ended an 8+ year relationship by cheating on me with two different women. He recently got engaged to the second woman.

I live in a city where everyone knows everyone somehow, and you’re always running into someone. Most people don’t know the truth about everything he did, including his new fiancé, who was under the impression we were in the process of getting divorced when they met.

I’m having a hard time moving on emotionally and still feeling a lot of hurt and insecurities from it all. I find myself having a lot of self doubt at times and focusing on the fact that people don’t know the truth, like everything he did just got brushed under the rug. I’m thankful for it ending to be where I am now. I am currently in a very healthy relationship with a man who makes me unbelievably happy, but I don’t feel like it is fair to him to be holding onto all this hurt and anger. Is it normal to still be feeling this way? What have people done to help them move on and let go of the anger?

Re: Moving on : letting go of the anger

Anger and hurt are normal when you are going through a divorce. Not normal in the sense that it is always going to happen. But normal in the way that you are feeling. It's the feeling that hurts us. It is all in the way that we define the hurt and anger.
There is so much to learn during and after divorce and if we don't give it our attention and sort out our emotions it could become the next rollercoaster ride you take after your divorce. I had so much anger and hurt during my divorce and after my divorce. I used a few simple tools to help me and it worked. I also took my divorce as the starting point for a new life. I started to change myself from the inside...this made a huge difference for me.