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Husband cheated

My husband left me for a 21 year old the next day I got diagnosed with cancer and that week was our wedding anniversary I have spoke with him a few times since he left met with him two times and he tells me he loves and misses me he has kissed me and held me then he tells me he can’t be with me because it’s not fair to be with me and still love her but how is it fair to her if he’s with her and still says he loves me tomorrow I’m having surgery and I text him to tell him and to also so goodbye just in case the surgery doesn’t go good but he’s with her and doesn’t want to call me he tells me to text him but I can’t say what I want through texts it’s just not the same he used to leave me for hrs to go be with her or go call her so why can’t he leave her for a few minutes so I can say my goodbyes I’m so lost and confused I’m living back with my mom we moved in with her for four days before he left me we were planning on moving in with my mom so we can save for a down payment for a house but he left me and he knew what he was doing waiting for me to settle in with mom before he left me all of our stuff 7 years of stuff is in storage I need to sell everything to pay for an attorney I keep putting it off because I’m not ready that day I sell things will be so hard for me all I do is cry and stay in the room since he left I have lost 27lbs in less than two months I don’t eat I rarely sleep all I do is cry I don’t know how to deal with all this

Re: Husband cheated

I'm so sorry to hear that. That's a lot to go through all at once. I really hate to say this but I think your husband isn't very nice. He should be there for you and put you first while your going through cancer and surgery. It kinda sounds like he's leading you on, I'm so sorry, I don't want to be mean or hurt you even more but I want to be honest with you. You don't deserve that kind of treatment. Please forgive me if I've overstepped and shouldn't have said that, believe me, I don't have room to talk because I've stayed with my husband for longer than I should've and I still don't know if I can leave him. But I think if you really want to stay with him then you need to force him to make a decision between the two of you because this back and forth isn't healthy. Good luck with everything, I wish you the best!

Re: Husband cheated

Thank you so much for your honesty your absolutely right he’s so mean now and he should be with me right now but I’m the end he’s choosing her and he is giving me false hope and I can’t fall for it anymore I had my surgery on Monday and he only asked about it once and not even to me he text my friend he says he realizes what he had with me but I can’t trust him I need to take care of myself right now and as much as I still love this ******* I need to come to terms with him not living with me no more and I need to come to terms with his cheating and is going to get a divorce thank you so much for responding