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How to tell him

I know I'm going to be asking for a divorce. I have been dealing with abuse more sexually. I haven't told him yet we have been separated for two months. I can't even look at him the same. He likes to speak for me. Our two month trail seperation ends tomorrow that we agreed to but I don't want to go back. How do I tell him I'm afraid he is going to say I'm hurting the kids. I'm breaking up the family I'm not even going to try. We have a house no joint account for bank. Our names are under both cars we ow money on both. We both won't be able to afford lawyers. When should I tell him and how we aren't even living together. I was going to tell him on Sunday but the kids were out the door before I could talk. I don't have another day off till Monday he works. I work sat I could tell him then. It be past our agreement.