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He won't let us heal

hi.Im 17 years old and for the past 7 years, I've had to visit my father from time to time. He is obligating us to be around his new family that harmed my sister and me a lot in the past. I tried getting close to him but he keeps forcing us to be with his other family instead of it just being us three. He is always blaming my mom for how we act against him which is not true at all and even gets her in trouble at times. I am about to turn 18 which means i don't have to visit him anymore but im scared that my sister will have to go and something i had to go through when i was younger. I want to make it so that we can decide when we visit him because right now he is just emotionally hurting us.

Re: He won't let us heal

It is very difficult to cope and deal with tough emotional situations. It is ok to love your parent and at the same time not want to he around them. Stay true to yourself and communicate with your other parent as well about your feelings. You don't have to be subjected to pain.