Womans Divorce Forum

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40+ and divorced...

I thought I had everything. After years of struggling financially and having the in-laws on my case, I thought I got the breakthrough and that things would get better from there. It did not last very long... 3 years and all hell broke loose.

It was so bad, I actually hated every second of my life. I got this pain in my chest. After weeks it got worse and eventually I had, what felt like a heart attack in my office on the floor. The dumb nut did not even know!

My best friend came to my rescue. Things fell apart and I learned that the more I focused on it the worse it got. It has now been 9 years since that time and I actually realized how much I have changed in the last 9 years - without even knowing it!

I decided to create a course for fellow ladies in the same situation...read my story here:
