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Do you agree that this is cheating and how can I make myself divorce my husband?

I've been married for almost 30 yrs now and I'm still very much in love with my husband but years ago I was looking through our browser history and saw that he had signed up on one of those cheating websites and it about killed me. He denied it like an idiot but finally confessed and apologized and swore he'd never do it again so I tried to forget about it. Then last year, I went through his Facebook activity log (I know that was wrong of me but I'm glad I did it) and he had joined these sorta like sex groups where women put practically naked pics on there and he put comments like sexy, I want to do oral on you (but he said it much more vulgar than that), can I private message you, and different nasty things. There were even a few pics of women that he personally knows on there that he commented sexy on that our friends possibly saw which is humiliating. My heart was absolutely destroyed and we both cried and he said that he doesn't know why he does it and he swore that he would never actually do anything with these women which I sorta believe him because he's a paraplegic and he has confidence issues because of that but I still have my doubts. But even so I still see this as cheating. Then last night something told me to check his FB activity log again and there were probably 100 pics of slutty women on there with my husband commenting on them again! Vulgar crap wanting to pm them and everything. I am so in love with him that just the thought of not being with him anymore makes me feel like I'll die. But I just can't do this anymore. I can't stay with him and respect myself. But I don't know how to make myself do it, how do I willingly give up a piece of my heart like that? This is killing me.

Re: Do you agree that this is cheating and how can I make myself divorce my husband?

I understand what your going through my husband started doing the same thing porn sites cheating sites swore up and down he wouldn’t do it again he doesn’t know why he did it and it is cheating emotionally cheating he started giving his number out pics etc then he started talking to woman at his second job and he finally admitted that he physically cheated on me I was willing to stay with him but he chose his gf over me then he moved out the next day I got diagnosed with cancer and he still chose his gf I know it’s hard to just give up on your marriage I know you love him I love my husband too with all of my heart I don’t want this divorce but I k is if I stay with him he will continue to lie to me it’s been almost two months since my husband moved out and I miss him like crazy everyday I love him with all of my heart I just had surgery on Monday and I wished he would have been there with me I’m recovering and wish he was here but I know I can’t give in to him still saying he loves me and misses misses me he’s going to continue to hurt me and I’m sorry to say but your husband will keep doing the same thing deny lie and say he won’t do it again then he will continue believe me I know how hard it is to let go I’m struggling with it too I love my husband but like you I don’t want to keep getting hurt

Re: Do you agree that this is cheating and how can I make myself divorce my husband?

I just hope that this video could help you or other women ease the pain..this made me cry.. i hope you will like it.. https://xort.co/3MGrXz

Re: Do you agree that this is cheating and how can I make myself divorce my husband?

This was probably one of the only scenarios I could relate to. My husband of 13 years has asked for a divorce. We have had intimacy issues and communication issues for years. I have suspected him cheating but he always denied it. I would agree that he is emotionally cheating on you. I have two children with my husband and asked him if he wanted a divorce because he wanted to cheat or has cheated ? And he just keeps denying. At least you know the truth about what your husband is doing and why a divorce would be an option. I still don’t understand why he wants a divorce? Thoughts?

Re: Do you agree that this is cheating and how can I make myself divorce my husband?

He's got a serious problem. You can ask if he will change and if not, many would say this is a game-breaker. While woman believe that men are comparing (because this is what women do), generally its a question of control and self-esteem.

Do note that job or other pressures can increase this kind of behavior, so one thing to consider is whether he could get a less-stressful job and find a way of communicating rather than internalizing his stresses. (one reason men die 5 years quicker than women).