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Trying to get over the past and coping with a recent divorce

I recently got divorced in April 2019. I have two young daughters and their father stopped being a part of our lives in January. I have sole custody of my kids and was hoping that when the divorce was finalized that my now ex husband would change and mature and begin to co parent with me so that our daughters could continue to have both parents. That's not what happened he moved to a different state all together and aside from harassing and threatening me he has made no attempt to be here for our kids. Our oldest turns nine soon and I can't imagine how he could just drop all of us so quickly. We were together 12 years most of them happy. He became an addict and I stuck by his side for over a year through the using the lieing the destructive behaviors and in the end he went to jail. When he got out he ran and never looked back. My heart is broken and although I stay busy I think about him every single day
I miss our family I miss our kids being able to interact with their father and I don't know how to deal with this mentally. Any advice??