Womans Divorce Forum

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What should i do

So i wanted to explain the back story before i ask my question. My ex and i are going through a divorce, we have a hearing to finalize our divorce on aug 1st and our mediation papers are turned in. My ex and i discussed that our son will go with him to seattle from june 27th to july 27th to visit family. The agreement was he was going to stay up there for the whole month. Two weeks into July, my ex has to go back to work and says I'm letting him stay up there. I wasn't happy and threatened the cops if he doesn't return our son with him. I do calm down and agree to have our son stay til the 27th with my ex parents. I recently was told that he will be staying til aug 1st and he said he doesn't give me consent to take him back before then. I read articles to see what i can do and i saw if I take our son back with consent then o would be held in content...since there's no custody order...i want to go get my son cause the whole time my ex has lied to me...is it a good idea? I don't want to have my son taken from me cause of this.