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6 years after divorce should I still feel this way?

Is this the right group of been divorced years and all the hurt that happened mainly the things the other woman did .
I dont struggle often but from time to time it eats away at me.

Re: 6 years after divorce should I still feel this way?

What do you mean by what other women did? So are you over your ex through? But still hurt about something else? Have you been able to see other people? I’m curious because I’ve been separated for about 5 months now. A couple times we spent time together and I had hope that we could reconnect. Until I found out she was talking to someone else. Even after that I still spent time with her. Then I found out she had sex with them. I even spent time with her after that! We spent a week back together and made love to one another. It felt great and when felt that maybe she was just using that other person. Then I found out she had the person over at the house and when I called she was talking to me as if I was her friend. I was so hurt and asked her why she was doing this and I asked if she still loved me. She said she did but “not in that way” I was so shocked and confused.

Re: 6 years after divorce should I still feel this way?

My ex had an affair and is now married to herand I’ve met a lovely guy.
But I struggle with the things the woman did to me and my adult son speaks to her.
Sent me sex tapes of her and my ex,tried to run me off the road,had me locked up on lies which I did manage to prove I was innocent.
She used to stand outside my work with her mate and laugh plus so many other things.
My main struggle is how my oldest child,knows most of this and spends time with her my youngest dosnt.
I had a break down and left the country left my kids as life was so unbearable and I was scared for my life.

I was just a normal mum and wife and taken into a life of craziness.

Re: 6 years after divorce should I still feel this way?

Oh wow! This sounds awful. Have you talked with your son about how you feel about this?

It can be so hard for us when we want to not have contact with people, but people we know do have contact and so it sort of damages/threatens our non-contact.

I think unless the person can feel it in some way they cannot take this step. He is also in a tough position because his father is involved with her.

If he does continue to have contact try to stay focused on compassion and understanding as these may be the only places you can find any kind of peace and healing.

I wish you peace!!!

Re: 6 years after divorce should I still feel this way?

I tried to talk to him but he wasn’t interested.
He probably thinks life has moved on I have a new partner all which is true.
But it still eats away at me sometimes .