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My husband left me for his colleague

My husband left me for his colleague 2 months ago
They moved in together 3 weeks ago and on top of feeling betrayed I feel it is going so fast! It s as if it was so horrible to be with me that he ran away as fast as possible
On top of everything the colleague was a friend with whom we shared barbecues, parties, she even organised my baby shower
Our little girl is 20 months only and I am devastated as I did not want her to have divorced parents
She is better now because I have worked on myself and talk to her
Her father comes 3 times a week and we are still very good friends
I have moments where I feel like I am strong for my baby and others where I feel like I wont manage
I feel alone... we have been together for 20 years and I ve only known him as we were 16 years old...
Any advice please?