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Left pregnant with planned third child for a 24 year old co-worker

My husband and I have been married for 7 years. We met and lived in Arizona for 6 of those years when last June we were transferred to Kansas for his job (he is a Vice President at a big national construction company). We have 2 children-a 6 year old daughter and an almost 2 year old son. Our move to Kansas was great. We joined a country club and made a great group of friends, things were seemingly great.

In October 2018 we decided to try for our third and final child. In December I had an early miscarriage like I had had when we were trying to conceive my son. I went on to get pregnant again 2 weeks later and things were progressing well. I was incredibly ill with morning sickness the first 15 weeks of this pregnancy just like my previous pregnancies. My husband was traveling often for work (even though we had moved to Kansas so he didn’t have to travel as much). He found himself having to be in the Phoenix office often.

In early February he attended the Phoenix open for work. I was single parenting our 2 children while sick and pregnant with our third. On February 21st he was out with clients for work late into the night. I had texted him to ask if he could please get Tylenol on his way home as our daughter had the flu. A couple of minutes after I sent the text I got a response from him saying “I’m sorry I was so drunk talking to you, it’s just that you make me nervous. And yet you’re the only one that really knows me”. Obviously I was like wtf is going on. He denied sending the text, claimed someone must have used his phone, blah blah.

A week or so later he started on this downward spiral of saying he just wanted to be happy and needed to find himself and that he was miserable and there was a “black hole” inside of him. That he didn’t know if he wanted to be married anymore despite the fact that I’m pregnant. We tried therapy, it didn’t work. He continued to deny any affair even though he had bragged about it to mutual friends here and allowed our daughter to FaceTime with this girl. Turns out he met some 24 year old girl (he’s 36) that works for the same company as him the weekend at the Open and an affair began.

2 months ago I filed for divorce.

A month ago he moved back to Phoenix claiming he had to go back for work but really moved back to be with this girl.

Against my better judgement I allowed the kids to visit him for 2 weeks in Phoenix (they’re still there now). Today I find out from my daughter that daddy’s “friend” Ashley has been hanging out with them all week. He still denies an affair, claims I was horrible to be married to and that he was miserable (even though we were fine and planning to grow our family). He finally has allowed a bit of truth to trickle in by admitted he and this girl are now seeing each other.

I’m currently 32 weeks pregnant. I have decided to not allow him at the hospital during this baby’s birth. The final strW for me was him introducing this girlfriend to my children after myself and my lawyer had repeatedly told him not to.

I feel so helpless. And hopeless. And wish I just wouldn’t wake up most mornings. I have a fantastic supportive group of friends and family. Everyone is absolutely shocked by what has transpired as my husband is the absolute last person any of us would have thought would have an affair. He has been absolutely terrible since February. Deflecting blame, yelling at me, doing whatever he can to justify what he’s done. He seems to lack any inkling of empathy despite the fact that I’m carrying his third child. I don’t know how to move on from this. I don’t know how to let go of the anger, shock, and sadness I feel.

Everyone keeps telling me karma will get him, that things won’t last with this girl and he’s going to find himself all alone in Phoenix without his family and kids. But every day it seems something new comes up that crushes me. I feel like he’s living his very best like while I’m stuck here trying to pick up the pieces. I cannot believe this is my life. We had a great marriage and I just cannot wrap my head around what’s happened. Will I ever recover from this? Will he ever feel remorse?

Re: Left pregnant with planned third child for a 24 year old co-worker

I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I have several friends who husband's that have cheated came to there senses and were able to repair their marriage. Have you thought of the same?