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Feeling overwhelmed

My husband told me over a text that he wasn’t happy in our marriage of 25 years. A week later he sends me another text saying he wants something different for a while. 😐I told him he could have something different, it’s called a divorce. I’m feeling so overwhelmed! I don’t know where to start, I have no family in the area, my kids are grown and gone. My whole life has revolves around this man and now I’m just left spinning. How do you take the first step?

Re: Feeling overwhelmed

I’m so sorry to hear this. Telling and showing is 2 different things. I’ve been with mine for 15 years and he showed me. We have a few similarities..my son is grown and I have no family here (close ) that is. This man totally changed after the years. My life evolved and revolved around this man. I did everything until I exhausted all resources to continue to hold onto someone that didn’t want to be held onto. I have filed for divorce. If he has told you that I would ask why? Find out the real reason and start from there. Maybe introduce counseling to see if that helps. Main thing ask God to lead and guide you in the direction he wants you to go. This could very well be a sign from God or the devil but keep praying and it will reveal itself, hopefully you will be able to keep the marriage if it’s meant to be, if not it maybe time to move on. Are you happy with him?

Re: Feeling overwhelmed

Thank you so much Yvette. I’ve been praying for guidance and strength. I feel so broken

Re: Feeling overwhelmed

Jenn don’t stop praying! The day I decided to let go and let God I gained so much strength I didn’t know I had. I would go to bed crying, wake up crying, drive to work crying and sitting at my desk crying and driving back home crying. God knows I needed help to get through my pain..I never thought I would. It has gotten better but I have my days. My divorce will be final a little over a month and I’m taking one day at a time to get myself back whole. Once you have tried and did all you could do..you will be able to make a clear decision. I will pray for you

Re: Feeling overwhelmed

I can relate a little to your story because I first heard from my husband about divorce through an email he sent me on Father’s Day where he said that either him or his lawyer will contact me by sending me separation papers and divorce papers to sign. He told me in the email to sign them and send them back so we can happily go our separate ways. I also feel overwhelmed because while we were only married for two years I did everything I could to be a perfect wife for him. I always gave him support when he was missing his parents since they were in India and he came to America last February. No matter how tired I was from work I would come home and help him with his job searching. He only stayed here with me until last June. His friends asked him to move to Maryland and he only cared what they said. He moved away and only visited in August and then we went to India together in November. He treated me badly because he ended up kicking me and denied that he kicked me. I came back December 27 and he came back January 28. By January 30, he left to go back to Maryland and he hasn’t visited once. He never tried to work out our marriage and he never was interested in marriage counseling but I went to two different marriage counselors. I’m overwhelmed and hurt. I’m confused on why did I get married to him and waste almost three years of my life on this guy who just doesn’t care about me. The one thing that really hurts me is why did we get married on my birthday. I have a lot of support from my family, friends and work family but I still don’t understand why me. Why do bad things happen to good people and bad people never have to suffer?

Re: Feeling overwhelmed

I definitely get how you are feeling . Me and my husband are not divorced yet but he has went and talked to an attorney finally. We have been together 4 years and marrried 1 year. He walked 1 month before our wedding anniversary. Over the past 2 months I hav caught him in so many lies about where he is, work anbd possibily cheating. This is his 2nd marriage and my first. My familoy and me from day 1 treated him good but it wasnt the same for me.I gor back plash from his mistakes with his first wife. He cheated on her and got a girl pregnant. I didnt hold that agianst him because he was young and people change. The thing is, he didnt learn anything because it seems as though he hasnt. I put my marriage before eveything while he lied, was selfish and decitful. It hard being the bigger person when he is out doing whatevef he wants.