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I always feel like its the beginning again and im dying inside

I have been divorced for 4 years. We have a great relationship. He had a girlfriend and they just told me that after 9 months of dating they are 6 months pregnant. They are 40. Im dying inside over this. I cant move on and i cannot deal with the fact that he is. Why do i feel like this! Why can't i just be happy for him. We have two kids. Help me.

Re: I always feel like its the beginning again and im dying inside

It is the betrayal that you are responding to. If the two of you parted because the relationship was not working for either of you, you might be able to move on faster. It is possible that you are having trouble moving on because you feel betrayed. My prayer for you use the experiences that you acquired during the relationship (good or bad)as an opportunity to grow, so that you experience more joy and happiness in your next relationship. There will be another relationship.

Re: I always feel like its the beginning again and im dying inside

Thank you

Re: I always feel like its the beginning again and im dying inside

Dear Chrissy, I am so sorry that you are divorced. I am a newly divorced mother. My ex and I are both in our 30s. We have been separated for 10 years since soon after our marriage. My ex is an emotionally immature ******* of a person - let's leave it at that.

Regarding your situation: Please try to see the positives of this situation. It is great that you and your ex are friends. He seems like a decent guy from what I can read in your message. The divorce has happened because it did not work out (I know how sad that sounds, but isn't it true?). May be it was for the best.

Only if you start looking into your life you can feel happy again. Please try to focus on you and the children. He and his GF are having baby at their 40s!!, God bless, that is kind of a punishment in itself :)

You have your kids.. You have yourself. Try to put the focus on yourself. Good luck!